Wohnungs-Mietvertrag (Englisch) - Tenancy Agreement for Residential Premises (Seite 2)

Section 3 Rent (continued)

The landlord must announce rent increases and provide all explanations concerning changes to the contract in writing. Where legally permissible, a declaration in text form (e.g. by e-mail or fax) suffices.

This rent covers all operating costs, unless otherwise specified in clause 2.

The maximum permissible rent is

The landlord will provide the tenant with all information on the rent control contained in the funding approval.

In addition to the rent, the tenant will pay
an advance payment per month for heating and hot water
for water supply, drainage, refuse collection (enter other operating costs here):

A statement of accounts for the advance payments will be drawn up once a year. Where a lump sum has been agreed, no supplementary claims will be made

The sum total of the rent must be paid into the landlord's account
The landlord asserts that during the last two accounting periods, the heating costs for the entire object have not exceeded an average of

In the event that the tenant pays further operating costs in addition to the rent, the landlord asserts that the agreed advance payment is sufficient to settle to anticipated costs

Section 4 Allocation of and Statement of Accounts for Heating and Operating Costs

Section 4 Allocation of and Statement of Accounts for Heating and Operating Costs

In the event that advance payments were agreed, the following applies: where the principles of prorata consumption are used in the statement of accounts for the heating and hot water costs, the costs of operating the central heating system and the central hot water supply shall be allocated pro rata to the tenants of the house.


The overall costs for heating and hot water will be allocated equally (50% each) by residential floor area (m²) and the actually established heat consumption, unless another distribution ratio permissible in accordance with the German Heating Cost Ordinance is chosen below.

Percentages of the costs for heating and hot water are allocated by residential floor area and consumption
Other operating costs are invoiced by consumption or on a costs-by-cause principle, provided they are recorded appropriately. Otherwise, the following applies:

A statement of accounts for the heating and operating costs will be drawn up once a year.